Results Transfer Workshop: Challenges in Digital Humanities Research Environments:
The CULTURA Approach
Prof. Owen Conlan describing the variety of users CULTURA works with Trinity College, Dublin
16th January 2014
Results Transfer Workshop: Challenges in Digital Humanities Research Environments:
The CULTURA Approach
Spyros Garyfallos describing the innovative visualisations available to CULTURA users
Trinity College, Dublin
16th January 2014
Results Transfer Workshop: Challenges in Digital Humanities Research Environments:
The CULTURA Approach
Dr. Mark Sweetnam showing the CULTURA environment in action
Trinity College, Dublin
16th January 2014
Evaluation of Digital Libraries with Equalia
The Equalia evaluation service was presented at the conference Culturelles Erbe in der Cloud (Cultural Heritage in the Cloud) in Graz, Austria, on November 22, 2013. Equalia was presented as poster in the context of the CULTURA project together with its digital libraries: the 1641 Depostions and the IPSA Collection.
CULTURA Plenary Meeting
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (FMI), Sofia University
18th - 19th November, 2013
On Tuesday 1st October, the UniPD team led an evaluation session of IPSA@CULTURA with the students of an International Master in Digital Library Learning ( The students gave valuable feedback about the CULTURA environment and its functionalities thanks to their knowledge of digital libraries and digital humanities matters.
1st October 2013
On 27 September 2013, several events and activities have been staged across the campus of Trinity College in Dublin. In this occasion the TCD team had the chance to show a CULTURA demo to the public: people used all three platforms of the system (1641 Depositions, IPSA and 1916 Rising) showing deep interest in the project.
27th September 2013
On Friday 27th Semptember 2013 the Researchers' Night took place in about 300 cities all over Europe.
In the beautiful frame of the ancient city centre, the UniPD team had the chance to show to the public the CULTURA environment, explaining its aims and functionalities.
27th September 2013
Digital Humanities 2013, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
The CULTURA team presented four papers and a poster at the recent Digital Humanities 2013 conference in Lincoln, Nebraska. The conference was attended by approximately 500 Digital Humanities researchers and scholars. CULTURA was prominently featured at this high profile event with all of the project presentations being well attended and promoting lively discussion.
16-19th July 2013
Digital Humanities 2013, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
The CULTURA team presented four papers and a poster at the recent Digital Humanities 2013 conference in Lincoln, Nebraska. The conference was attended by approximately 500 Digital Humanities researchers and scholars. CULTURA was prominently featured at this high profile event with all of the project presentations being well attended and promoting lively discussion.
16-19th July 2013
CULTURA Workshop at the Center for
Information Modelling in the Humanities
The TUG team of CULTURA has held a
half-day workshop at the University of Graz, Center for Information
Modelling in the Humanities: CULTURA environment was demonstrated
and useful feedback was collected from participants.
13th March 2013
CULTURA Presentation to the CENDARI
The CULTURA project has been
presented by Owen Conlan to the Annual General Meeting of the
Collaborative EuropeaN Digital Archive Infrastructure (CENDARI)
7th March 2013
CULTURA Plenary Meeting
IBM R&D Labs, Haifa University
Campus, Mount Carmel.
4th - 6th March 2013, Haifa, Israel
The UNIPD CULTURA presents the FAST
module at IRCDL 2013
Presentation of the Flexible
Annotation Semantic Tool and its integration in the CULTURA
Paper submitted by Nicola Ferro, Gary Munnelly, Cormac
Hampson and Owen Conlan.
Interaction with partipants during IRCDL
CULTURA UNIPD during a question
time at IRCDL 2013.
The IPSA presentation in the CULTURA
context at IRCDL 2013
Presentation of the IPSA digital
archive as a case study in the context of the CULTURA environment.
The TUG CULTURA Poster at TPDL 2012
An evaluation system for Digital
Paphos, Cyprus, 23th - 27th
September 2012
The UNIPD CULTURA Poster at EuroMED 2012
Issues to Be Addressed for
Transforming a Digital Library Application for Experts into One for
Final Users.
Limassol, Cyprus, 29th October - 3rd
November 2012